I have mentioned to a few people in the past about my very first crochet project that I started when I was 12....over 40 years ago. Well, I was sifting through some boxes in storage and I found it. So I am posting a photo of it. Not a very GOOD photo but its the best I could do :)
I began making this doily when I was 12 and stopped about 3/4 of the way through....I guess being a teenager got in the way. I picked it up again a couple years later and finished it and have had it ever since. I am NOT crazy about the color, but I was a kid....what did I know? :) Anyway I just thought I would share it.
If you are curious about the pattern, if I remember correctly, I got it from an old Coats and Clarks booklet called "Learn How To....Knit, Crochet, Embroider and Tat". The copy I had belonged to my mother and I think it was from the late 50's but you can still find copies of it online....I looked :)
Crochet, Away!
I think that you did a wonderful job on that pillow and I think that is so neat that you have your very first project. Was that booklet green? I think I may have had that one too.
Hi, Beth. Thanks :) And, yes...it was a green booklet. I think there were several printings of it through the years. But I havent seen it around in a long time.
Thanks for stopping by!
Wow, not bad at all for a first crochet project, especially considering you were only 12! I'm always amazed by people who learned how to crochet when they were kids. I'm 34, and just learned how to crochet last year.
very cool sandy, you did good with it.
I wish I'd saved my first projects, one of them was a baby blankie that turned out so uneven and looked kinda V shaped, cause I had no clue how to simply ch2, and turn and the end of the rows...lol!
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